Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Daddy's birthday

Just a month and a half after we laid daddy to rest, his birthday rolls around. I've been preparing myself for today, what would have been his 92 birthday. I knew this day was coming. I was prepared for the onslaught of emotions that were bound to hit me. I bought daddy's favorite flowers, planted them in a nice large container just after he died. I've been preparing. This morning, as soon as my eyes opened, I wished him a happy birthday in heaven and moved throughout my morning getting ready for work. As I left the house I situated his container of flowers onto my seat. Smiling I drove to the cemetery. I had daddy's birthday present! I arrived at the cemetery, grabbed the container and started towards the foot of his grave. Sat them down. A little twist here, a tug there and I stood back and took a good look to make sure they were situated just right. Great! I had completed this difficult task of heading to the cemetery early this morning on daddy's birthday. As I looked at the flowers, my eyes began to sting. The tears began to I sat with daddy a while and told him how much I missed him. After leaving my day proceeded, dragging me along. All I wanted to do was cry all day. Today is the first day my heart has truly ached since daddy died. I miss him so much it literally hurts some days. But as daddy raised a cowgirl who always gets back on her horse, I've saddled up. Ready to face my next obstacle, Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for, yet I know with daddy missing, the holiday will be a little less festive. Maybe cowgirls don't cry, but today, my boots have been dragging all day. Happy birthday in heaven daddy! I miss you! I love you!

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